Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Oh yeah, Stephen Galton, you're a FUCKWAD too

YOU are the lawyer who began the process of shutting down the Yahoo message boards because you cried like a LITTLE GIRL when somebody insulted your profession.

Seriously, THIS is what set you off?

"overly robust geezer that makes a living walking behind the elephant with a shovel."

YOU went on the Yahoo News message board to defend a client. How PATHETIC is that? You call that LAWYERING? You went on a board to exercise your free speech to defend a client and you wind up fighting freedom of everyone else's speech except your own. You REALLY ARE a lawyer aren't you? You're a pathetic little man. You probably billed the client hundreds an hour to go post on Yahoo, didn't you? If you're going there to defend your client I really have to question your judgement in knowing your audience in defending said client. Posting on Yahoo, where some threads have hundreds of thousands of posts going back months and years, and you think some of YOUR posts will serve ANY use? YIKES. Like spooning the water out of the ocean if you ask me.

Stephen Galton, the proverbial turd in the punch bowl of life

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Dear Yahoo---You're FUCKWADS

Indulge me, I'm a troll and I'm mad. I'd like to use my blog to excoriate Yahoo for their decision to stop allowing news comments on their website. Yes I know it's THEIR site but YES I also know they're about to lose THOUSANDS of pairs of eyes looking at banner ads and other smaller ads. People went there FOR the trolling going on. We were the only funny/clever/disgusting ones there. There's nothing left. We MADE that place. So,

Neil Budde
General Manager
Yahoo! News

You can go fuck yourself and your new high falutin' audience while your website slowly swirls the bowl of obscurity as Yahoo becomes the new LYCOS. There are better free news sites and better free email available. Your decision is absurd. You HAD a captive, consistent, and LOYAL audience and you decided we weren't classy enough. Enjoy your new site Neil, you'll be a circle jerk of one.

We now return you to your normal blog.

--Witch King

Always two there are.....

Well, no not really but I needed a clever headline for this post.

So we have a SECOND suspect in custody in Ipswich. I'm not trying to brag, really I'm just humble me, *ahem* but did you notice my guess of Pine Brook where the guy would be found and the London Road near Ipswich where he WAS caught? Always a good idea to work demographics, and economics into your profile I think....In this case I used access to the dump sites off of the A-14, demographics, easy in and out to the red light district, economic indicators gleaned from thorough Google searches and yes, lady luck.

I guessed Pinebrook and he was found along the London Road

Not much is known about the new suspect, one Stephen Wright (hopefully not the comedian), aged 48 (if he's the killer of the women and he may well be I'd be way off on age). I have no real idea what to make of media seeker suspect Tom Stephens. His My Space page was a real treat to get to know. What a wack job. You'll sometimes find those involved in crimes trying to interject themselves in some SMALL way but this guy almost demanded the BBC do a full on interview with him.

We'll see what happens next...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

WHO had the bright idea to call him RIPPER?

Jumping Jesus on horseback. The police or media in England didn't call this guy a goddamned RIPPER did they? Yep, they did. Oy vey. STOOPID. Why would I be upset you ask (go ahead and ask already). I REALLY worry now that he’s become national and international news and I’d like to pound sand up the ass of the first person to call him RIPPER. NOW he’s protecting a legacy. NOW he has reason to keep his guard up, NOW he has reason to MOVE to other places. Everyone knows Jack the Ripper killed 5, I’m guessing this number is dancing around this guy’s head like a a neon sign in Vegas. He's now past the point of no return both mentally and criminally. He has NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE.....except the legacy he was just given.

I promised you all a quick and dirty profile. Without further delay I give you:

*White male 27-34

*Brown hair

*Husky build (he carried/dragged dead weight a long distance)

*Recent event with a female such as a divorce or break up

*I don’t think it’s a purging the world of sin thing, he could have done this at any time. Something set him off or tipped him

*Owns own car (I don't think it's a truck or lorre as the Brits would call it)

*Lives in area near A-14, I’ll even venture he lives in Pinebrookips-map

*Has visited the working girls of Ipswich before.

*Is not a threatening presence, quite meek perhaps.

*Killed them elsewhere. Drove them to dumpsite.

*Knows the area, hence the first two dump sites, now is dumping more quickly as his fear of getting caught increases.

*I think he’ll be caught sooner rather than later. Why? Cameras EVERYWHERE in England. They’ll be checking all cameras in and out of the area vs. times the women were last seen vs camera for exit and entrance ramps around dumping sites.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

London Calling Update

More info is being made available in that they think this killer may have killed before this recent spree and POSSIBLY as early as 1992 when Natalie Portman (No, of course NOT that Natalie Portman) was found strangled. Three others fit the bill if you will. Mandy Duncan, 26, of Woodbridge, Suffolk, vanished in 1993, Kellie Pratt in 2000 and Michelle Bettles in 2002.

A psychologist quoted in the story said something of note with which I totally agree with and was thinking last night; Once the prostitutes are gone from the streets at night, he'll HAVE to find a replacement. My guess? Younger girls. School girls.

More coverage from the BBC Here

And a psych profile from the BBC as well (I'll let you in on my profile in the next day or so--unless they catch him and remember England is RIFE with cameras everywhere) can be found Here

I also have located a map of where the bodies have been found for profile purposes. The last two of the five were found VERY NEAR the third body, Anneli Alderton, near Nacton.

You can find it Here

London Calling

London calling to the zombies of death
Quit holding out, and draw another breath
--The Clash, London Calling

Well, OK, not London so much as Ipswich. Looks like we have got ourselves a very itchy twitchy serial killer running about. As I emailed a friend in the UK "looks like you've got a spot of Serial Killer bother" in my best Brit writing voice if you will.

What can WE do? Most likely not much. We CAN however learn from this one. A killer in a month and a half who has killed 5 prostitutes working in Ipswich and dumping the bodies in nearby areas.

Would anyone like to do some possible profiling? We can all make up profiles, do the research and see what we come up with. I have one I'm working on but let's get the info out to you.

5 women, no rhyme nor reason to their height and weight or the color of their hair. One was barely 5 feet and another was 5' 9".

All who kept in contact with families at home.

All bodies dumped in wooded or river areas, the last three close to one another.

The third one really seemed to upset police.

All found nude.

All strangled.

None sexually abused.

They were people just like you and me. They had names. They were Anneli Alderton, Paula Clennell, Annette Nicholls, Gemma Adams, and Tania Nicol.

For more news go to the BBC

It includes a map or you can go to Google Maps punch in Ipswich, UK