WHO had the bright idea to call him RIPPER?
Jumping Jesus on horseback. The police or media in England didn't call this guy a goddamned RIPPER did they? Yep, they did. Oy vey. STOOPID. Why would I be upset you ask (go ahead and ask already). I REALLY worry now that he’s become national and international news and I’d like to pound sand up the ass of the first person to call him RIPPER. NOW he’s protecting a legacy. NOW he has reason to keep his guard up, NOW he has reason to MOVE to other places. Everyone knows Jack the Ripper killed 5, I’m guessing this number is dancing around this guy’s head like a a neon sign in Vegas. He's now past the point of no return both mentally and criminally. He has NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE.....except the legacy he was just given.
I promised you all a quick and dirty profile. Without further delay I give you:
*White male 27-34
*Brown hair
*Husky build (he carried/dragged dead weight a long distance)
*Recent event with a female such as a divorce or break up
*I don’t think it’s a purging the world of sin thing, he could have done this at any time. Something set him off or tipped him
*Owns own car (I don't think it's a truck or lorre as the Brits would call it)
*Lives in area near A-14, I’ll even venture he lives in Pinebrook
*Has visited the working girls of Ipswich before.
*Is not a threatening presence, quite meek perhaps.
*Killed them elsewhere. Drove them to dumpsite.
*Knows the area, hence the first two dump sites, now is dumping more quickly as his fear of getting caught increases.
*I think he’ll be caught sooner rather than later. Why? Cameras EVERYWHERE in England. They’ll be checking all cameras in and out of the area vs. times the women were last seen vs camera for exit and entrance ramps around dumping sites.
I promised you all a quick and dirty profile. Without further delay I give you:
*White male 27-34
*Brown hair
*Husky build (he carried/dragged dead weight a long distance)
*Recent event with a female such as a divorce or break up
*I don’t think it’s a purging the world of sin thing, he could have done this at any time. Something set him off or tipped him
*Owns own car (I don't think it's a truck or lorre as the Brits would call it)
*Lives in area near A-14, I’ll even venture he lives in Pinebrook

*Has visited the working girls of Ipswich before.
*Is not a threatening presence, quite meek perhaps.
*Killed them elsewhere. Drove them to dumpsite.
*Knows the area, hence the first two dump sites, now is dumping more quickly as his fear of getting caught increases.
*I think he’ll be caught sooner rather than later. Why? Cameras EVERYWHERE in England. They’ll be checking all cameras in and out of the area vs. times the women were last seen vs camera for exit and entrance ramps around dumping sites.
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