Always two there are.....
Well, no not really but I needed a clever headline for this post.
So we have a SECOND suspect in custody in Ipswich. I'm not trying to brag, really I'm just humble me, *ahem* but did you notice my guess of Pine Brook where the guy would be found and the London Road near Ipswich where he WAS caught? Always a good idea to work demographics, and economics into your profile I think....In this case I used access to the dump sites off of the A-14, demographics, easy in and out to the red light district, economic indicators gleaned from thorough Google searches and yes, lady luck.

I guessed Pinebrook and he was found along the London Road
Not much is known about the new suspect, one Stephen Wright (hopefully not the comedian), aged 48 (if he's the killer of the women and he may well be I'd be way off on age). I have no real idea what to make of media seeker suspect Tom Stephens. His My Space page was a real treat to get to know. What a wack job. You'll sometimes find those involved in crimes trying to interject themselves in some SMALL way but this guy almost demanded the BBC do a full on interview with him.
We'll see what happens next...
So we have a SECOND suspect in custody in Ipswich. I'm not trying to brag, really I'm just humble me, *ahem* but did you notice my guess of Pine Brook where the guy would be found and the London Road near Ipswich where he WAS caught? Always a good idea to work demographics, and economics into your profile I think....In this case I used access to the dump sites off of the A-14, demographics, easy in and out to the red light district, economic indicators gleaned from thorough Google searches and yes, lady luck.

I guessed Pinebrook and he was found along the London Road
Not much is known about the new suspect, one Stephen Wright (hopefully not the comedian), aged 48 (if he's the killer of the women and he may well be I'd be way off on age). I have no real idea what to make of media seeker suspect Tom Stephens. His My Space page was a real treat to get to know. What a wack job. You'll sometimes find those involved in crimes trying to interject themselves in some SMALL way but this guy almost demanded the BBC do a full on interview with him.
We'll see what happens next...
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