Tuesday, July 10, 2007


That's how much Eastern Michigan University is facing in fines because of the the FAILURE of Cindy Hall, Jim Vick, and John Fallon to do the right thing. That's a pretty sizeable amount, almost a cool half mil. It could have been worse, MUCH worse as the three blind mice COULD HAVE faced a loss of student financial aid to EMU. While not LIKELY, it was (and is) a POSSIBILITY.

So, Cindy, Jim, John, you think you should keep your jobs after LYING, after obsfucating, after dodging your responsibilities while EMU looks around for an extra $412,500 (yes, it could be less, as much as say half less but that's still sizeable for a university with NO MONEY) to pay off YOUR stupidity? Know where I'd be at my company if I covered something up and the bill came due at $412,500? Out of a job where all three of YOU should be.

Wanna know what leadership looks like? I mean there has been a complete lack of leadership over this issue at EMU so when you see some, it deserves plaudits.

Well done, EMU STUDENT GOVERNMENT. You were worried the three blind mice could have cost students BIG TIME in financial aid monies so you banded together, and DID something positive about it. You worked hard to ensure EMU would NOT lose financial aid over this and it appears you have succeeded. WELL DONE and a tip of my cap to you. Yes Jessica Richardson, I'm talking to you.


Blogger Jessica Kull said...

If you are interested, Student Government is hosting an open discussion for students about how they feel about the media coverage of EMU as well as more information on how to get involved with the financial aid petition. It is on July 11 at 11am in room 104 of the Student Center. Thanks for the kudos, feel free to drop us a line any time!

12:35 AM  
Blogger Witch King of Angmar said...


Unfortunately I'll be working with a client at the appointed meeting time but don't look at that as a blow off. I'd LOVE to hear this from your points of view. In fact I'd be willing to turn over a page HERE for you to post your thoughts on all of it, whether it agrees with my commentary or not. YOUR voices in this matter a great deal.

Sadly in all of this the students suffer as the EMU reputation or brand, is tarnished. Less students see EMU as a fine choice for a college which ups the tution and fees for the rest.

Also, sadly, EMU enjoyed it's finest overall athetics year ever with EIGHT Mid American Conference Championships, not ONLY an EMU record, a MAC record as well. But did anybody hear about the GOOD going on with EMU Student athletes? No, they got to see the 'grown ups' being raked over the coals on MSNBC and CNN, the LA Times, etc.

SOME EMU students may vehemently disagree with all I've written on this but that does not mean your thoughts or comments are not welcome here. They most certainly are.

Feel free to vent, and I STILL say good job EMU Student Government for taking the lead on the financial aid front.

7:15 AM  

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