Monday, July 30, 2007

What if this blog ever BROKE a now...

Well, it's not so much a story (though I'm sure to the woman involved it's a BAD story) as the unearthing of information in the John Norman Collins case from oh so long ago. Last week I let you in on some info the Ann Arbor Police Department was holding back and some that had leaked out (see the comments section in the post before this one) ever so slowly. However this information is unknown even to them, the Michigan State Police, the Ypsilanti Police and the Department of Public Safety at EMU. Now YOU get to read the world exclusive (where's my Matt Drudge flashing light when I need it?).

In the summer if 1967 John Norman Collins was stalking and chatting up women. Yes I know that's not news. But what if I told you he had a fixation on an African American woman, so much so that she fled without a word to anyone, back to her home in Detroit. Now you get it. John Norman Collins only KILLED petite, brunette females (Alice Kalom was a little bigger than the others but not by that much and Roxie Phillips in California was blonde). No, the summer of 1967 saw Mr. Collins forming an attraction to a black female, who was a co-lead singer in a band, with dreadlocks down the middle of her back and she was a broad shouldered tough as nails Detroit raised, street smart gal. Collins was in the habit of showing up to the bands shows (a minor local band, nobody of note) and waiting until the show was over for some direct face time with the female singer. One of the other band members specifically remembers Collins showing up to the shows and he spoke with him only in passing, it was the lead female singer he had his eye on. He could tell Collins made her a tad uneasy the more he'd show up. The pattern always repeated itself, he'd show up, wait until after the show and make sure he got a chance to be alone with the singer (whose name I'm not releasing currently). One day, she vanished. No trace, simply vanished. Her bandmates weren't told, nobody was told. She simply went missing. One of these bandmates (and the one who first told me this story) bumped into her about four or five years later at a concert and asked her what the hell had happened, why she'd up and vanished. "It was HIM" she told my wide eyed contact, "it was HIM". She relayed that indeed, Collins HAD been stalking her, and in her eyes making some very uncomfortable moves on her. She had simply vanished to be rid of him. She didn't tell anyone because she was VERY fearful of him finding her. She also mentioned that when she began seeing HIS face on TV a couple years later as a suspected serial killer, she REALLY freaked out.

This would have been either RIGHT after or RIGHT before the death of Mary Fleszar, Collins supposed first victim. My HUNCH would be right before as after murdering Fleszar he waited almost another year before killing again.

First off, I think the fact this woman was so street smart at the time may well have saved her life. I can't say for CERTAIN it did, but knowing what we know NOW it would appear it sure helped.

This also now begs the question maybe Collins sought different types of women for his debauchery, maybe he felt he needed smaller women who wouldn't or couldn't offer heavy resistance (this woman, trust me would have offered a lot of resistance) when he attacked them. Maybe this rejection or perceived rejection sent him over the edge the first time.

There you have it, make of it what you will but Collins WAS stalking an African American female in the summer of 1967,

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Of rooms 307 Downing and 519 Hill

OK, so I guess the last few weeks has left me with one MORE Ypsi-centric post in me. Not so much to rehash the problems EMU just went through but simply to ease back into affairs of far away towns I know little about.

This whole affair of the last few weeks caused me to break down and repurchase the 'Michigan Murders' book. It's the most seminal book in my life over why I am the way I am about all things crime. I remember the night I read it, I lived at 505 Emmet and my girlfriend and I read it together all in one night we were so enthralled. Enthralled until we found out John Norman Collins used to live at 619 Emmet, almost visible up the street from my home. Then the creeps started setting in. WOW, what a read, living where we did.

I question now, in this new age of criminal rights and courts so careful to enforce them if John Norman Collins would have been convicted today in the Karen Sue Bieneman case. Would Sheriff Doug Harvey's witness tampering have cost William Delhey the same case today? Would the hair in Ms. Bieneman's underwear have been sufficient for the current DNA testing standards? Would police have come forward with the OTHER clues they had that they never let the public know about? With the 'CSI Effect' prosecutors readily complain about now that if a jury doesn't see DNA or the crime lab dog and pony show they don't possibly feel a conviction is warranted, would Collins have had to have been tried in the Alice Kalom case because a couple blood spots matching her type were found in Collins' car? The red strip of cloth? Whom would they have matched THAT to. Would they simply have deferred to California authorities who have a very strong case against Collins in the Roxie Phillips murder? Why DON'T they run the blood from the Kalom case? Why not run ALL the DNA in these cases? If you think it can't help tell that to Gary Leiterman. It can and SHOULD be put through a discovery process. Laura Dickinson's killer was proved by DNA. Laura McBride's killer was found through DNA. Karen Sue Bieneman's case was 'proved' through antiquated DNA testing, and Jane Mixer's killer, Gary Leiterman was found from DNA. See a trend?

I like to fish the Huron River from time to time, a few hundered yards from Peninsular Park to be exact. As darkness sets in around me on warm summer nights, I can't help but think of where I am. I can see Hill Hall where Laura Dickinson was killed, I'm very very near Peninsular Park where Laura McBride was murdered, I can see the VERY train tracks young Dawn Basom disappeared from. I wonder, is it YPSI? Does this town have some strange hold over the nere-do-wells and ghouls who live or visit Ypsilanti? Is ANY town, no matter how small free of such skeletons? Does every town have some kind of story, some nightmare to tell? Is Ypsi just like them? Are they just like Ypsi?

As usual, I leave the riverbank with more questions than answers....

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I'd like to share a letter from EMU Student President Greg Jones

Statement from EMU student government

Today marks an important day for the future of Eastern Michigan University. The EMU community is now at a crossroads. We have the option of continuing upon the path that we have followed in recent history, or we can choose to embark upon a new path that will lead us in a different direction. Today, we must choose a new direction.

Eastern Michigan now has the opportunity to move forward. No longer must we be the target of criticism. Now, we have the opportunity for our advancements to be praised. The benefit of the recent national exposition of EMU's shortcomings is that we can no longer hide from the issues that prevent us from excelling to our full potential. We, as a community, must now work diligently toward recognizing and resolving those issues.

No longer must we fail to communicate. Defective communication has been a plague on Eastern Michigan University for far too long. Now we have the opportunity to reexamine and rehabilitate this process. Effective communication between the faculty, administration, and student body must now begin to take place. We must actively pursue this goal, in the spirit of progress. To begin, there has been a deficiency of student representation at the University level that has interfered with effective communication. It is necessary to ensure that a student representative is designated for the University Budget Committee and the Strategic Operations Council. These groups make important decisions that affect the student body, and in the future the student voice must be incorporated into their decision making process. Furthermore, the EMU administration must make a concerted effort to communicate with students through a strong presence on campus. This can be achieved through town hall meetings and open forums, individual interaction, and simply attending events hosted by student organizations. I am optimistic that all members of the EMU community will work together to solve the problems surrounding communication at Eastern Michigan University.

In addition, no longer must the safety of our campus community be called into question. The Department of Education's report about Eastern Michigan University's failure to adhere to the Clery Act has highlighted several deficiencies within our Department of Public Safety and its relationship with the University. We now have the opportunity to repair those deficiencies and strengthen the university police force. We should not attempt to bury the past from ourselves or the outside community. We must learn from our mistakes, solve our problems, and highlight our progress publicly. We now have the opportunity to become one of the safest universities in the nation, and we must pursue that goal with passion and optimism. Though our leadership is changing, we must agree as a campus community to adhere to a plan to revise the safety of Eastern's campus. I have full confidence that Provost Loppnow will continue to pursue the sixteen safety revisions outlined by Dr. Fallon until an interim president is appointed. Furthermore, I encourage that he and other campus leadership look beyond that outline and pursue further safety enhancement measures. A stronger security presence, better lighting, and enhanced emergency action and communication plans will help make EMU the safest it has ever been.

Finally, no longer must we be divided into factions. Today, we have the opportunity to stop resenting the faults of the past, and begin looking toward a positive future together. We must bridge the gaps that have formed between the faculty, administration, and student body. For too long, EMU has been divided. Now we must all work together for the education, safety, and well-being of the student body of Eastern Michigan University. I look forward to the progress that must be made to restore our reputation with optimism. Let today set us upon a new path that will lead EMU in a positive direction.

Greg Jones
Student Body President
EMU Student Government

I'm with ya Greg, especially on the faults of the past, I mean other than the mascot change n stuff ;)

Monday, July 16, 2007

WHY they have to go

Someone emailed me about this and so I'm guessing there are more who haven't emailed me on this yet do wonder WHY I say Fallon, Vick and Hall have to resign/be fired.

I DO NOT enjoy getting my Eastern Michigan University news from the Los Angeles Times. I don't like reading about EMU in the New York Times. I don't like seeing EMU on MSNBC.

Not for the reasons we're discussing here. And since EMU isn't exactly a school that normally garners national media attention (sans a couple of REALLY COOL runs in the NCAA basketball tournament years ago) reading and watching EMU news has been painful. Think about it, HOW BAD must this have been to get the LA Times to write an article?

Another reason, and perhaps the greatest reason they all must go is for the future of the school. The reputation of Eastern Michigan University MUST be protected. I know I know, what reputation is left to protect? Kids aren't stupid. I would imagine 5 years from now a kid from Brighton will be deciding between EMU and Western Michigan or Central Michigan as a college of choice. When they Google EMU, GUESS what they'll see, sordid tales of a murder and a coverup. 95% of this entire story HAS BEEN THE COVERUP. While there is no excuse, some college campuses have murders. EMU has had a few, as has the University of Michigan, Michigan State, even Lehigh University, where the Clery Act originated have felt the pain of a campus murder. The coverup in EMU's case is what will hurt much longer than the immediate pain of Ms. Dickinson's death. The reputation going forward must be one of above the fray, always honest, and hard working to improve academics at EMU.

The future of EMU begins here, TODAY, RIGHT NOW. While the slate will not be wiped clean of this stain, the slate CAN be wiped clean of those involved. In time, this helps lessen the impact of what the slate still shows.

EMU is THE top teaching university around. Bar none. They have some pretty darned good other programs as well. As of TODAY these MUST be and HAVE to be the ONLY Priority of the new EMU President. Academics, Academics, Academics, say it like Steve Ballmer to IT 'Developers'.

EMU will rise from the ashes of Orange Taylor III's stupid, selfish, horrendous act. Many were scorched by it but it will not define EMU forever is my hope. That wonderful teaching college with a lot to offer other students in a friendly small time college atmosphere in a neat sleepy blue collar town is where EMU needs to get back to, and that journey begins anew, here today.

John Fallon has been FIRED as EMU President

The Board of Regents met yesterday, Sunday, and the vote I'm told was UNANIMOUS.

More on this later as the Board also deals with Jim Vick but John Fallon, RIGHTLY, is out as EMU President.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cindy Hall is out as Director of Public Safety, and yet, EMU manages to screw THIS up too

OK, it would be a GOOD thing if DPS Director Cindy Hall were to resign. It would and apparently she has done the right thing. According to sources as well as the Ann Arbor News, Ms. Hall has cleaned out her office and stopped reporting to work. You'd THINK such a move would lead to an announcement from EMU as to exactly WHOM is now running DPS but as of this post, none was forthcoming. Sneak out, leave the announcement to others who don't make it. Classy.

From EMU via the Ann Arbor News:

Janice Stroh, EMU's vice president for business and finance, now oversees the Department of Public Safety, but said Tuesday that she can't discuss personnel matters.

So, accordng to EMU anyway nobody is running DPS currently. The A2 News calls the DPS office and finds:

A Department of Public Safety employee said Lt. Robert Heighes is acting director.

There you go, by the book, eh?

Now, back to Ms Hall. I'm not going to gloat, the memory of Laura Dickinson deserves far better. I will say this was the RIGHT thing to do and I do wish Ms. Hall well in her future endeavours. It is truly too bad this had to come to this but that road was paved months ago, in part by Ms Hall.

Regents meeting Monday to hopefully finish this mess once and for all.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


That's how much Eastern Michigan University is facing in fines because of the the FAILURE of Cindy Hall, Jim Vick, and John Fallon to do the right thing. That's a pretty sizeable amount, almost a cool half mil. It could have been worse, MUCH worse as the three blind mice COULD HAVE faced a loss of student financial aid to EMU. While not LIKELY, it was (and is) a POSSIBILITY.

So, Cindy, Jim, John, you think you should keep your jobs after LYING, after obsfucating, after dodging your responsibilities while EMU looks around for an extra $412,500 (yes, it could be less, as much as say half less but that's still sizeable for a university with NO MONEY) to pay off YOUR stupidity? Know where I'd be at my company if I covered something up and the bill came due at $412,500? Out of a job where all three of YOU should be.

Wanna know what leadership looks like? I mean there has been a complete lack of leadership over this issue at EMU so when you see some, it deserves plaudits.

Well done, EMU STUDENT GOVERNMENT. You were worried the three blind mice could have cost students BIG TIME in financial aid monies so you banded together, and DID something positive about it. You worked hard to ensure EMU would NOT lose financial aid over this and it appears you have succeeded. WELL DONE and a tip of my cap to you. Yes Jessica Richardson, I'm talking to you.

Monday, July 09, 2007

I echo the Ann Arbor News who echoes, well, ME

The jig is up Mr. Fallon, Mr. Vick and Ms. Hall. The TRUTH has now come out, the reports are in and it's ever so clear that the Ann Arbor News editorial of yesterday, 7/8/07 must be heeded. As I have said for some time, you all need to be relieved of duties or you need to make it less painful and resign. ALL of you have failed in your appointed tasks miserably. There are scads of proof on this now. You can no longer hide behind the old cliche "all the facts aren't in yet".

They are and you need to go.

From the Ann Arbor News:
We're convinced that Eastern Michigan University can't move beyond its current crisis without new leaders, and it's time for President John Fallon, Vice President of Student Affairs Jim Vick and Public Safety Director Cindy Hall to resign or be removed from office.

The deceitful way that EMU handled the release of information following the murder of student Laura Dickinson last year has tarnished the university's reputation and brought it under a harsh national spotlight.

Even if officials believed they were acting out of the best interests of the university, they showed such a clear lack of judgment - in the worst case, outright lying to Dickinson's family and the public - that they have lost all trust and credibility. They have put EMU at risk of losing valuable federal student aid because of this case and of chronic, systemic failures to accurately report campus crime statistics, according to a federal report.

Now WHERE have I heard this type of commentary before?