Wednesday, June 20, 2007

John Fallon's crocodile tears *sniff sniff*

“We did get it wrong, shamefully so,”

Yep, EMU President John Fallon said that.

Did he say it to Laura Dickinson's family? Nope

Did he say it to the EMU Student body? Nope

Did he say it to the EMU Community at large? Nope

No, he said it to HIS BOSSES, the EMU Board of Regents who have discussed dumping Fallon's sorry ass. Up until NOW he's never let on HE or ANYONE made any mistakes in this case. Suddenly he sees his job hanging int he balance and the faux tears begin to flow over lessons learned.

Spare us Mr. Fallon, you had your chance to make this right, you chose not to.

Now suddenly the blowback affects YOU and you're all about making things right.

Fallon told the Regents:

“I apologized to you and say ... never again will such a confounding series of mistakes be made on my watch,”

Goddamned right it won't happen again and YOUR WATCH is almost over because you, again, need to resign or be fired.


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