Monday, June 11, 2007

Keys, EMU campus police nor the administration has an answer

How COMPLETE is and was the failure of Eastern Michigan University in the Laura Dickinson murder? Sure they willfully broke the Clery Act, sure they put an entire community at risk but there is something far more disturbing.

Police KNEW her room keys were stolen. That's right, her keys, and full access to Hill Hall walked out the door with Orange Taylor III.

Were students notified? No.

Were students given new keys? No.

Were the locks changed? No.

You tell me how far EMU was willing to go to save face and putting THEIR needs before those who pay for the proivelege of attending EMU.

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Blogger Deputy_Bob said...

I'm in a unique position to comment on this because 1) I'm a full-time sheriff's deputy and 2) while I'm a graduate of the University of Michigan, I attended EMU for a couple of semesters and I'm familiar with the campus and how it operates.

With that said, I was appalled to read about Laura's rape and murder as anyone in the EMU community (and elsewhere) would. But to then learn of the lengths school representatives went to in order to conceal the facts from students is simple unconscionable. For the life of me, I simply can't grasp what line of thinking school officials were taking when decided to disseminate falsehoods to the public. It's truly mindboggling.

Given what has been revealed about EMU's rĂ´le in this travesty, it's obvious those who played a hand in this disinformation campaign need to be forced out--and now.

It's bad enough we're subjected to celebrity obsession and other social maladies on a daily basis, but to find out the safety of students and staff play second fiddle to the nebulous concept of a school's "reputation" brings me to the conclusion that common sense is truly going the way of the RMS Titanic.

11:24 AM  

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