Monday, June 25, 2007

Those DPS cars DO belong in Hill Hall lot

An anonymous poster updates us as to the question I asked Friday, the DPS cars DO belong where they are parked. This is NOT some kind of fake police presence.

An alert reader tells us:

"DPS has been temporarily relocated to Pittman Hall during construction on the their station in the Parking Structure."

I thank you for the update!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Cindy Hall, a quick question for ya...

I'm just wondering about all those empty EMU campus police cars parked outside Hill Hall in the south side of the building parking lot. Are those NORMALLY there? I mean was DPS in the habit of parking them there before this story took such a terrible turn? One looks like it's almost parked on the sidewalk for heavens sake.

So, simple question, are they normally parked there or are they props for when the news stations show up like Channel 4 did on Tuesday...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

John Fallon's crocodile tears *sniff sniff*

“We did get it wrong, shamefully so,”

Yep, EMU President John Fallon said that.

Did he say it to Laura Dickinson's family? Nope

Did he say it to the EMU Student body? Nope

Did he say it to the EMU Community at large? Nope

No, he said it to HIS BOSSES, the EMU Board of Regents who have discussed dumping Fallon's sorry ass. Up until NOW he's never let on HE or ANYONE made any mistakes in this case. Suddenly he sees his job hanging int he balance and the faux tears begin to flow over lessons learned.

Spare us Mr. Fallon, you had your chance to make this right, you chose not to.

Now suddenly the blowback affects YOU and you're all about making things right.

Fallon told the Regents:

“I apologized to you and say ... never again will such a confounding series of mistakes be made on my watch,”

Goddamned right it won't happen again and YOUR WATCH is almost over because you, again, need to resign or be fired.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dear Jim Vick, I think you're a coward

Nice, you shred documents, you help cover up the death of Laura Dickinson willfully, you get upset when some question what actually is going on and your first BIG statement is through your LAWYER?


Let me repeat that for clarity


You STILL won't answer questions put forth by those not on your payroll, only through your attorney. You claim you're trying to clear your name and your statement comes THROUGH your attorney? No dice.

You are now trying to weasel your way out of ANY accountability and dump this off on Cindy Hall and John Fallon. THEY are as guilty as you are in this Jim, they're just not hiding behind attorneys.

Here's what's not open to debate or your personally sponsored "lie detector" test

You KNEW Laura Dickinson's keys were stolen from the crime scene
You NEVER alerted students of student staff of this fact
You NEVER changed the locks

As Vice President for Student Affairs I'd this these three nuggets are PLENTY to bounce your sorry ass out the door. Are you Vice President of Campus Police? NO, you are NOT. You are VP for STUDENT AFFAIRS. You FAILED in your duty to students.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

And now, a word (or two) about Orange Taylor III

You disgraceful waste of human skin. What the fuck is in your head? You sneak in right behind someone into a dorm room looking for open doors? AND you're a student of the same university as the woman you murder? Look I was a poor student too, took lots of poor paying shitty jobs to make money. Know what I didn't do? Rob people of their belongings and their lives. So at what point did you decide not only did you want Laura Dickinson's stuff, but to rape her and kill her as well? You must have SOME intelligence, you got into a decent college, you must have had to post SOME kind of GPA to get admitted.

You fuck over not just one life, but MANY. If you think I enjoy raking Fallon, and Vick and Hall over the coals because of YOUR stupid shit? No, I don't but they made choices in this sorry assed tale just like you did. Theirs were wrong on a very professional level which SHOULD cost them all their jobs.

YOU on the other hand deserve much, much more.

I am going to make absolutely sure you never ever forget Laura Dickinson. She was a far greater person than you'll ever be. I'm going to mail you her picture, I'm going to make sure you are following rules in prison and if not I'm going to start email and letter wrting campaigns to get you busted again and again and again. I'm going to make sure every congressman and senator on state and federal levels knows your status you bag of shit. I'll bribe those who look after you to make sure your life is as miserable as it can possibly be made to be.

You did the WORST thing possible, you got me interested in your incarceration asshole, now I'm going to make sure you never get a minutes peace.


Hi, I'm Orange Taylor III and I was destined to wear, well ORANGE

Monday, June 11, 2007

Keys, EMU campus police nor the administration has an answer

How COMPLETE is and was the failure of Eastern Michigan University in the Laura Dickinson murder? Sure they willfully broke the Clery Act, sure they put an entire community at risk but there is something far more disturbing.

Police KNEW her room keys were stolen. That's right, her keys, and full access to Hill Hall walked out the door with Orange Taylor III.

Were students notified? No.

Were students given new keys? No.

Were the locks changed? No.

You tell me how far EMU was willing to go to save face and putting THEIR needs before those who pay for the proivelege of attending EMU.

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Mr. Fallon, Mr. Vick, Ms. Hall, if you won't leave on your own, we'll remove you

Ah yes, a letter writing campign seems to be having some impact. All Eastern Michigan University regents have gotten a torrent of emails critical of your poor decision making in the Laura Dickinson murder and now yes, COVER UP. Just wanted to be sure the emails hit with maximum effect just before the private, independent Butzel-Long report on how EMU handled the situation came to light. What's that? It's HERE NOW?

Well, let's delve into this shall we? Let's take a look at some FINE reporting by Amelie Nash of the Ann Arbor News:

Abby Coykendall, an EMU professor who serves on a campus Security Advisory Committee, attended a meeting the week after Taylor's arrest. Hall spoke to the group about the investigation and lack of information, but Coykendall said public safety director's explanations didn't make sense.

Coykendall said Hall told the group she was in Dickinson's room the night her body was found. Dickinson was found naked from the waist down, positioned on the floor with a pillow over her head, and her keys were missing. Hall said the case was like a jigsaw puzzle, and the complete picture wasn't obvious until all the pieces fit together, Coykendall said.

"The answers were scripted and my feeling was that it was a test run of their official story for the public forums on campus,'' Coykendall said. "They did a good job to delay our understanding of what happened. It seemed liked they were working to make a false story a reality, and I think some in the university community wanted to be deceived and not believe what happened."

WORKING TO MAKE A FALSE STORY A REALITY. Nice, well done John, Jim, Cindy, way to help this along.

Also from the Butzel-Long independent report:

Within a week of the arrest, EMU's public relations employees also posted information on the university Web site, including a "question and answer'' segment and timeline. But within days, portions - including an assertion that EMU did not identify a suspect prior to Feb. 23 - were deleted after a state police investigator sent an e-mail disputing the accuracy of those statements.

"Starting on February 23rd, many of the key players involved in the dissemination of information concerning Laura Dickinson's death went into 'damage control mode' and began developing explanations or justifications for not providing accurate information about the possibility of a homicide," the report said.

"not providing accurate information about the possibility of a homicide"

AMAZING Mr Fallon, you and Mr Vick and Ms. Hall need to go YESTERDAY. You have OBVIOUSLY and WILLFULLY broken the law, the independent law firm openly says so. All three of you have assisted in or participated in BREAKING A FEDERAL LAW, the Clery Act. This is BEYOND the pale. Fallon and Vick and Hall need to be REMOVED if they will not resign. Cindy Hall MUST NOW held to account, she performed as poorly as, if not worse than Vick and Fallon. This report shows her to be in WAY over her head at every turn.

John Fallon-Resign or be bounced
Jim Vick-Resign or be bounced
Cindy Hall-Resgin or be bounced

Now, there were those who TRIED to set the record straight, who TRIED to question Fallon and or Vick or Hall. A BIG Thank you to these people who know when something doesn't pass the smell test. Those who realize where the REAL priorities lie, with protecting the population at large, not to Cindy Hall or John Fallon or Jim Vick:

Ward Mullens, EMU spokesman
Greg Peoples, ombudsman
Jeff Nesmith, the campus police lieutenant in charge of the Wilkinson investigation

Luckily, in sleepy Ypsilanti, the Amtrak still runs through town, Mr. Fallon, Mr. Vick, Ms. Hall, try and be on the next one out of town, your services are no longer necessary and or wanted...

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