I'll answer your many emails in one post
Yes I'm still here and yes I'm still on the hunt for certain kinds of filth. Thanks for all your emails! I did take a nice long vacation and took some time off just for me. Ya do this too long and too intensely and you can go a bit stir crazy. I think I was always just looking at the same things over and over but SOMETIMES if you take a step back it's amazing what you see when you look at it again. I've found a nugget that may help with the identification of the EAR-ONS (The Original Night Stalker) serial killer I never saw before. Forest through the trees I suppose. Time will tell...
There, I've got my evil mad back on, much better
Let's hunt

"This is MY hour"
There, I've got my evil mad back on, much better
Let's hunt

"This is MY hour"
I am still intrigued by your comments about EAR/ONS. Give me at the very least a whisper...As I stated before on the other site I can no longer access my identity on your site. Forgot my pswrd?
scarletwhisper(you know who)
I emailed you on this (at least I THINK it was you)
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