Wednesday, June 13, 2007

And now, a word (or two) about Orange Taylor III

You disgraceful waste of human skin. What the fuck is in your head? You sneak in right behind someone into a dorm room looking for open doors? AND you're a student of the same university as the woman you murder? Look I was a poor student too, took lots of poor paying shitty jobs to make money. Know what I didn't do? Rob people of their belongings and their lives. So at what point did you decide not only did you want Laura Dickinson's stuff, but to rape her and kill her as well? You must have SOME intelligence, you got into a decent college, you must have had to post SOME kind of GPA to get admitted.

You fuck over not just one life, but MANY. If you think I enjoy raking Fallon, and Vick and Hall over the coals because of YOUR stupid shit? No, I don't but they made choices in this sorry assed tale just like you did. Theirs were wrong on a very professional level which SHOULD cost them all their jobs.

YOU on the other hand deserve much, much more.

I am going to make absolutely sure you never ever forget Laura Dickinson. She was a far greater person than you'll ever be. I'm going to mail you her picture, I'm going to make sure you are following rules in prison and if not I'm going to start email and letter wrting campaigns to get you busted again and again and again. I'm going to make sure every congressman and senator on state and federal levels knows your status you bag of shit. I'll bribe those who look after you to make sure your life is as miserable as it can possibly be made to be.

You did the WORST thing possible, you got me interested in your incarceration asshole, now I'm going to make sure you never get a minutes peace.


Hi, I'm Orange Taylor III and I was destined to wear, well ORANGE


Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The worst thing is this "Orange" may get out of jail in 20 to 30 years. He will only be 40 to 50 years old. Thanks Michigan.

9:24 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You are so right on.

6:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, it's spelled "temperamental".

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More truthful words have never been spoken.

10:08 AM  

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