Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Are YOU the animal killer in Superior Twp (MI)?

If so your life will be FORFEIT if I'm out there while YOU are.

I WILL be HUNTING you until you are caught. I will take to the very woods you're working in. I fear neither you nor death. You are in MY backyard now and you WILL feel my vengeance should I find you. I have kevlar, do you? I'm a trained survivalist, are you? I can use night vision eqipment, can you?

I know what comes next. So do police but they won't come out and say it

Sheriff intensifies probe of dead dogs
2 more animals found; detective assigned to case
Monday, March 27, 2006
News Staff Reporter
The carcasses of two more dogs, including a puppy whose legs and neck were bound with twine, were found Sunday in Superior Township, prompting the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department to assign a detective to the case.

Seven dogs have been found dead in the past week and a half in the same vicinity. The two dogs found Sunday - a pit bull puppy and a cocker spaniel that was shot in the back of the head - were not decapitated as earlier ones had been.

It is not clear how the puppy died, but it had twine wrapped around its neck and feet, Tanya Hilgendorf, executive director of the Human Society of Huron Valley, said this morning. She said the two dogs had been dead for some time.

The dogs were found a few feet away from one another near LeForge and Geddes roads, near where another Rottweiler was found Saturday.

The Humane Society has had an animal cruelty investigator working the case full time, and the Sheriff's Department was expected to assign an investigator today at the request of Superior Township Supervisor William McFarlane.

"We're going to provide them with some additional investigative expertise,'' said Sheriff's Cmdr. Dave Egeler.

"What concerns most of us is they are going after people's dogs. What's next? Humans?'' asked Terry Morgan, who lives near the area where the dead animals have been found.

McFarlane said he and many other area residents are concerned about the case.

"It appears some of it is certainly related to trapping,'' he said. "But I'm not sure it's all related to trapping. ... Hopefully, (an additional investigator) will bring an end to it and bring this person to justice.''

Dozens of animals have been found dead in the area since January. Humane Society officials were first called when skinned coyote carcasses were discovered along the road and in trash bins in Superior Township. Three similar reports followed, and in mid-March, the decapitated body of a Rottweiler was found, its feet bound.

Monday, March 20, 2006

He might reoffend if we tell you things

You see when BTK reappeared in 2004, Wichita Police were ADAMANT that nothing in the new BTK packages could be shown or spoken of for fear that BTK would kill someone else. But, in 1986 the Wichita police DID just this by sending BTK classified advertisements in the Wichita Eagle JUST before Vickie Wegerle was murdered. From the Wichita Eagle itself:

"Friday, an Eagle staff member searching back issues of the newspaper spotted an ad that ran for several days in late August and early September 1986, a little more than a week before BTK is believed to have killed Vicki Wegerle. Nestled among come-ons for ESP readings and exotic dancers under the Special Interests category, it said: "Relief from Factor X is available at: P.O. Box 48265.""

So if you fear he'd reoffend why leak SELECTIVE things from his 2004 communications? It blew up in your face once (oh yeah yeah, they didn't ever think Vickie Wegerle could be a BTK murder---amazing) so why leak ANYTHING?

Anyone, anyone, Bueller? Bueller?

Disingenuous, thy name is WPD.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Been there, done that

A Kansas family of four is brutally murdered and neighbors see or hear nothing that can be of assistance to police. A father, mother, a son and daughter are slain inside their home. They are tied with intricate knots, one is tied to a water pipe in the basement while two others are tied up on beds. Before leaving, a killer takes a radio with him and drives away.

January 15th, 1974? Nope. The Oteros? Nope. Dennis Rader? Nope

The Clutter family murders.

Dennis Rader must have seen them as a road map to his madness.

I would hate to think of Truman Capote wasting a book on Dennis Rader

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Why I think there is more evidence buried out there

People email me from time to time and ask me why I think Dennis Rader destroyed or hid or buried evidence and not everything the Wichita police have is ALL of his 'motherlode'....

Here is some of why I think this to be the case.

As you'll recall, Denny had an extreme close call one night with a guy getting into PART of his shed:

May, 25, 2005 KAKE
"In November, Bennett was trying to get away from Park City Police. He went into Rader's shed to hide but was found by Rader himself. Porter says Rader asked Bennett if he knew who he was. He says Rader told him to get down on the ground and then started kicking and punching him. Porter says Rader put a gun to his brother's head and threatened to kill him. He says Bennett was scared and did as he was told without question, never suspecting he was with an alleged serial killer. Rader called police and authorities took Bennett away...Bennett's family says there is much more to this story. They're now waiting to talk to an attorney before they'll say anything else about the incident at the shed."

WOW close call out of nowhere huh? I think so too. At this point, as meticulous as he was, Dennis Rader HAD to start thinking about jettisoning some of his 'murderbelia'. He spoke of it himself. He told WPD that he was planning on scanning original documents and keeping things digitally and destroying originals and copies of letter, notes etc.

From his own statement in court:

"The Dolores Davis graves, they put back and
forth. If anybody knows anything about geology,
structure, those trees and stuff were not at
Lake Cheney. They were over in the eastern part
of the United States. And those pictures that
came in the mail were not -- were not the other
ones, they were all from the grave site at Cheney."

So IS he saying he's committed some kind of malfeasance out east? Again, Mr. Meticulous is saying the police messed up HIS evidence. He'd surely know as proud of it as he was.

Police went on a digging expedition immediately after Rader's arrest. Backhoes and all kinds of implememnts were used for some subterranean searching. Did they find anything? Since they're not saying, and we know how much they like to congratulate themselves, I'll guess NO. It does leave the question about WHAT they were looking for.

And the fact they don't have it....

Monday, March 13, 2006

One fitting Rader's census timeline

Nilsa Sanchez---need I remind you of Rader's affinity for Hispanic victims....

Timeline fits, the fact she was so decomposed tells us at least two months had passed. Now all we need are details. Not ruling this one in or out, just saying here's ONE that needs more checking...

Stull is about 40 miles west of Kansas City and north and east of Wichita, in Douglas County

"Judi Ross said the department's track record made her optimistic. The Douglas County Sheriff's Office has only one other unsolved homicide -- the 1989 slaying of 37-year-old Nilsa Sanchez. Her badly decomposed body was found Sept. 1, 1989, in a culvert south of Stull."


Thursday, March 09, 2006

New Census info

*BIG hat tip to Cerelia5 at TCB*

Can you think of anything more creepy than Dennis Rader being able to go door to door armed with personal info? Oh, yeah, maybe installing your home security system...


Census confirms Rader worked for it in 1989

...Rader worked for the census from March through July 1989. His job titles at that time were field operations supervisor and enumerator. Supervisors coordinate enumerators, who in 1989 would have been driving from house to house, compiling addresses, Palacios said.

After census forms are filled out, enumerators are the people who knock on the doors of people who haven't returned their census forms. But enumerators wouldn't have been doing that until the spring of 1990 at the earliest, Palacios said.

The U.S. Census Bureau has no record of Rader working for the census in 1990, when workers went door-to-door....


OK, I'll even go first on the Census angle

OK a nice story from the Wichita Eagle with a Dennis Rader quote or two. Mr Census began in MAY of 1989 so let's just go from May 1, 1989 to December 31st 1989....

We still need the counties he was in and around and then missing people from that time period as well as any bodies turning up...

I liked this passage: "Census workers can be identified by their red, white and blue identification badges and 11- by 16-inch tan address registers."

....and hit kits, tape rolls, handguns, gloves, and a change of clothing

"Workers prepare for 1990 Census
Staff writer
Note: This story originally appeared in The Eagle on May 13,1989.


During the next six weeks, some Wichitans will receive a visit from a U.S. census worker

The real census doesn't begin until next year -- April 1, 1990, has been designated as Census Day -- but federal workers will be out verifying addresses beginning next week.

They are gathering information in areas that have had considerable growth or change since the 1980 census.

Dennis Rader, census field operations supervisor for the Wichita area, said the address checks are made so that census questionnaires to be mailed out next March can go to correct addresses.

"We find that living units have been built above businesses or residential garages, or that homes have been demolished to make way for new buildings, and we need those addresses," Rader said.

Census workers can be identified by their red, white and blue identification badges and 11- by 16-inch tan address registers.

Rader also said the census bureau is accepting employment applications for many of the 700 jobs available in Kansas. The people who do much of the door-to-door work, called enumerators, will be employed for six to 12 weeks next spring and will be paid $5.50 an hour. They must be at least 18 years old, a U.S. citizen and take a written test."


OK Angels, time to go to work

Dennis Rader worked as a census supervisor for three months in 1989. More than likely I'm guessing he was the only census supervisor with a 'hit kit' with him.

Which three months, where (which counties did he work) and then let's start dusting off missing persons and cold cases for the three months he worked the census and let's even think for the next FOUR months in case he went back for a PJ (we know he was patient and HATED unfinished business).

Six months in 1989, he was STILL active, he was unsupervised and trolling. One victim wasn't home.


Bring it ALL to us, anything of interest, anything that looks contrived or covered up or just forgotten. If there is one we find and can pin to him it will PROVE he didn't take copious notes about EVERY killing as you have been told.

Interesting factoid about the BTK case and profiler Pat Brown

By the way, Pat Brown's BTK profile was laughable. Maybe, like Patricia Cornwell and her Jack the Ripper candidate they zeroed in on one suspect and made the evidence fit their pre-determnined view. Not so good for a profiler to be stalking suspects methinks. Tunnel vision thy name is Pat Brown

"Profilers don't help their own cause much, either, at least not with the "amateur internet cybersleuths," and we are legion. An example is Pat Brown, a Minnesota-based profiler who manages to accrue a remarkable amount of face-time every time a major serial case hits the news. When the alleged BTK Strangler, Dennis Rader [Google search], was arrested in late February 2005, Brown seemed to defy time and space, showing up to do commentary for nearly every special break-in about the arrest. No one bothered to note that Brown's profile of BTK, while on-the-mark in some general and a few specific ways (something that could also be said about my own completely off-the cuff profile of this killer), was based on one particular person she'd zeroed in on a while back - and unfortunately for her, not Dennis Rader, but an ex-employee of the Wichita Eagle who many suspected was guilty of his wife's murder while on a camping trip about 10 years ago.

Profiler Brent Turvey, who at one time was Pat Brown's teacher, said the following about the peripatetic profiling pundit:

Pat Brown (...)approached me years ago, after taking several courses, to get my assistance in naming a person that she was essentially stalking as a serial murderer. No evidence. No proof. Just her firm belief that she knew better than anyone else. I of course refused, told her to stop stalking the guy lest she find herself arrested, and this did not make her happy at all. Ignoring admonishments regarding this and other terribly unprofessional conduct, she continues to go her own way in her corner of the profiling community...
Here Turvey gave a good example too of why profiling is being viewed with more skepticism; it is so thoroughly open to the obsessions and attitudes of the profiler. By the way, I've always wondered if Turvey was referring to the hapless ex-Eagle employee, as I knew, from various internet communications I received, the man's name and current disposition. Brown was good about that at least - she kept the poor guy's name off-line and out of her public dialogue. Still, if he was the guy she was "stalking," that must have been rough enough."


Rader took his hit kit while travelling Kansas

From KAKE online:
Lt. Landwehr testified Rader took his "hit kit" when he travelled Kansas, while working for the census. Landwehr said Rader dug a grave for a woman in Northern Kansas he planned to kill. The woman was not home the night Rader planned his attack.


Ask Shirley Vian-Relford what happens when Dennis Rader is kept from killing one PJ because they aren't home.

Anybody buying this ONLY TEN crap now?

ONLY ten....In serial killers we trust I guess

Boy that BTK thing sure wrapped up so quickly and conveniently didn't it?

Of COURSE there are more, I mean how neat and CLEAN was the ending to all this.

"Yep the Serial Killer told us there were only ten and we believe serial killers and his wife knew nothing"---THE END (fade to black).

How many cold case bodies turned up during this timeframe? Sherry Baker 1974,
Denise Rathbun, 1977 Linda Shawn Casey, 1985, Hattie Smith, and Deanna Law, Carol Mould, Dorothy Slaughter, the Fagers the list goes on and on. So from these cold cases we are to believe one of two things

1) All cooincidental
2) Copycat killer

Hmmmmmmm, pardon me while I yack. Bodies begin piling up with very similar circumstances and police just KNOW these weren't the work of a very active serial killer? I mean DUH. In a city the size of Wichita the murder rate with this many cooincidental murders would put them in the Baghdad category. NOT LIKELY.

A copycat would send letters on this if indeed they were a COPYCAT, right? Those letters to KAKE are where?

WPD put out pictures of a couple pieces of jewelery that didn't fit the 'canoniacal' BTK killings. They couldn't match them up. WHO do those belong to? Someone who was unfortunate enough to come across Rader when he was in the hinterlands doing Census work? Have we even begun to check the cold cases from the years and places he was away, PJ-ing his rear end off well outside of Wichita?

Oh, I forgot, it was all so neatly wrapped up for us.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Is something NEW going on in Wichita?

Witch King thinks there just might be some behind the scenes action.

Keep your eyes and ears peeled....