Monday, August 22, 2005

What did Paula Rader know and when did she know it?

It seems the wife of convicted serial killer and general narcissist Dennis Rader had, at least on two occasions reason to wonder about her husbands REAL identity. There were other, more subtle clues as well. Add them up if you're 'so inclined' and you tell me....

In 1977 she found a rough draft of a poem written about victim Shirley Vian (Relford), later to become the 'Shirleylocks' poem sent to Wichita police as a taunt. It disturbed her. She felt ill at ease enough over it to question her husband who told her it was for a school assignment at Wichita State University where he, Dennis Rader was a student. What class would be asking for a poem about a murder victim I wonder? SERIOUSLY people, what class would give a writing assignment to write a disturbing poem about a serial killers victim? Haiku for the Criminal Mind 101? So Paula let it slide. Did she think to ask again when she found out SHIRLEY was a victim? Guess not. Another question, did she see it BEFORE Shirley was killed? If so, my god what a smoking gun. "Honey, um, yeah, that Shirleylocks poem, um, well you wrote it for class before she even died. Either you have ESP or ah, how do I say this, the police are on their way"

"You will find a homicide at 843, South Pershing, Nancy Fox". BTK called 911 dispatch to announce the muder of Nancy Fox after we now know Nancy squeezed his family jewels and seemed pretty non-plussed BTK was in her home telling Rader "Let's get this over so I can call police". This 911 call was played again and again on local Wichita TV. Um, Paula, didn't you recognize your husband's voice? Don't EVEN say she never heard the call played on TV. This was a case TERRORIZING Wichita, it consumed the town. It was all over the news.

Days before his arrest in February, she told him he spelled "just like BTK." NO Light went off in your head? You didn't connect the poem at this point? If not then consider these cooincidences:

Well publicized packages to police were left in cereal (serial-get it?) boxes, quite a few empty cereal boxes were found in the Rader kitchen after his arrest.

Neighbor Marine Hedge was murdered in 1985. Hmmm, broken window for entry, strangled, dark of night, phone line cut, missing car, missing ID---just like the others for the most part. BTK written all over it I don't care WHERE she was found. The disposal isn't the crime, the crime is the B & E and the strangulation, and the CRIME screamed BTK.

At one point she told her husband she was afraid of BTK. He told her to keep the doors locked even though at the time he sold/installed and supervised ADT alarm systems. Wouldn't an alarm system have been an improvement in family protection considering they now had two small kids? I mean an extremely suspicious MURDER just took place a couple doors down and locking the doors hadn't saved anyone we know of yet, BTK, as we all know, used a ruse to get in or BROKE WINDOWS.

Is she THAT slow as to NEVER EVER NEVER add any of these things up? Evidence hidden around a small home in hidey holes and closets was found. 3x5 cards, slick ads, womens clothing, jewelery that wasn't hers etc.

It's simple math and something isn't adding up. Could it be she knew and to spare her he just decided to plead guilty in HOPES she could salvage SOME of her life? To spare the kids that mom knew (or had a hunch) as well. I have no doubt she feared him being the controlling jerk he has proven to be...I fear we'll never know if any of this could have been stopped earlier.

I'm NOT saying she knew, I'm saying the clues were certainly there and she should have had a hunch that after Dennis was gone late nights someone else turned up dead in the community. I'm not talking about the nights he was camping with the Boy Scouts and left to murder someone, I'm talking about the HOURS he spent on the break-ins he did, the stalking, the 'projects', the sheer number of nights he was gone and somebody died. Hmmm, Dennis was gone all last Thursday night and that nice Fox girl died.

Paula, is there anything YOU would like to say to clear this up? If you kinda sorta knew yet feared you'd be murdered fine, I think a lot of people could accept that (not me but I digress), but tell us the truth. Tell your side of the story.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, Dennis Rader was taking criminal justice courses in university, his course includes serial killers and profiling (Criminal minds 101 lol). So is understandable how Paula did not see anything strange about the letter.

1:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lel what? in what world is it necessary for a criminal justice student to create murder poems?? you really have to be gullible to believe his lies dude

6:51 PM  
Anonymous KT said...

Ya it's really easy for people like us to read the story and say OMG i would have known!! We have to remember it's not like these all happened in one week, this took place over 30 years!! Think about how spread out that could make everything. Also I'm sure any wife or mother would think of her working, church going, scout leading husband as the man of her family and not a murderer despite a poem. I feel sympathetic for his family I can't imagine how betraying it would be to find out your husband murdered and sexually abused so many people for so many years, give the woman a break, she's had enough and doesn't deserve to be criticized.

12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It as about as farfetched as Jack McGee believing that David Banner was dead and the guy who became the Hulk was someone else.

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a reasonable assumption, but lets not pound our cocks over it.

9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand how many of these wives do not know how their husbands are leading a double life. These kinds of husbands, and there are many out there, go to great lengths to appear normal. These husbands use their wives and children to make them appear like great pillars of their community when in fact they are the complete opposite. These husbands are so cunning, so controlling, so devious and deceptive. Paula and her children and so many other families have simply been conned. My heart goes out to Paula, Kerri and Brian and all of Radar's victims' families. Paula and her children are victims themselves. Please do not judge them until you have walked in their shoes. I pray you never have to walk in their shoes.

8:31 AM  
Blogger Rachel vaughan said...

She knew. She didn't want to know she knew. I'm not gonna go into it but I had a person in my life who was bad on the inside. I knew what he had done.

8:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Katherine Ramsland's book about Rader, he admits that his wife had caught him cross-dressed and in bondage on two occasions. She must have known something was terribly wrong with her husband, but she just dismissed it. With all his "hidey-holes", his wife never found anything???!!! Guess she didn't look.
He tortured and killed small animals in his early years, though no one in his immediate family did one thing about it. So, his parents and grandparents should have seen what a budding pyschopath he was, and gotten some intervention. He could have been stopped so many times, but no one was willing to step up and testify to their suspicions.

6:53 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The research shows Dennis was able to compartmentalize his obsessions. Also that many of the murders took place during daylight hours. Not too damn obvious. The history of animal cruelty was also done in private. How on earth do you make the leap that he is a psychopath when he is outwardly a god loving man? So easy to say the wife knew after the fact. It has to be a stretch to think your husband and the father of your children is a cold hearted cruel killer. Paula was duped.

8:17 PM  

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