Friday, August 19, 2005

Well well well, Dennis is no more menace

And the jerk off got caught in all kinds of sick, twisted, perverted poses he kept in his 'motherload' of naughty naughty pictures, original BTK letters and 3x5 cards with ads for girls underpants and such.

I was told by someone he visited my original site that called him out before he was caught. Good, but the only regret I have is that he can't see this site next week, when the pictures of him (that he was NONE TO HAPPY to see in court) go up here.

I fully plan on fucking with this waste of a human life every chance I get, I'm the Witch King, it's what I do. Every Christmas he'll get pictures of his old house (I mean inside shots while he actually lived there--furnished and everything with his shitty furniture, and YES I have some). Once a month he'll get other images he would have recognized and enjoyed around home. I'm gonna make him really wish he's kept his fool mouth shut. I wouldn't go as far as to send him something I'd LOVE to send as it involves an innocent member of society but just think of his face and his scared little thought process the day he received a poem called "Oh, Death to Kerri". Again, I'm the Witch King and revenge is my business...